Home Fellowships 2014 Google Policy Fellowship for Sub Saharan Africa ( stipend of USD 7,500 for 10-12 weeks in 2014.

2014 Google Policy Fellowship for Sub Saharan Africa ( stipend of USD 7,500 for 10-12 weeks in 2014.

by lanredahunsi

Application Deadline: Ongoing

Fellowship Worth:Fellows will receive a stipend of USD 7,500 for 10-12 weeks in 2014

The Google Policy Fellowship program offers undergraduate, graduate, and law students interested in Internet and technology policy the opportunity to spend the summer contributing to the public dialogue on these issues, and exploring future academic and professional interests.

Fellows will have the opportunity to work at public interest organizations at the forefront of debates on broadband and access policy, content regulation, copyright and creativity, consumer privacy, open government, government surveillance, data security, data innovation, free expression and more.

Fellows will be assigned a lead mentor at their host organizations and will have the opportunity to work with several senior staff members over the course of the summer. Fellows will be expected to make substantive contributions to the work of their organization, including conducting policy research and analysis; drafting reports and analyses; attending government and industry meetings and conferences; and participating in other advocacy activities.


  • You must be 18 years of age or older by January 1, 2014 to be eligible to participate in Google Policy Fellowship program in 2014.
  • You must be eligible and authorized to work in the country of your fellowship. Google cannot provide guidance or assistance on obtaining the necessary documentation to meet this criteria.
  • You must be a student. Google defines a student as an individual enrolled in or accepted into an accredited institution including (but not necessarily limited to) colleges, universities, masters programs, PhD programs and undergraduate programs. Eligibility is based on enrollment in an accredited university by January 1, 2014.

Who should apply?

Google is  looking for students who are passionate about technology, and want to spend the summer diving headfirst into Internet policy. Students from all majors and degree programs who possess the following qualities are encouraged to apply:

  • Demonstrated or stated commitment to Internet and technology policy
  • Excellent academic record, professional/extracurricular/volunteer activities, subject matter expertise
  • First-rate analytical, communications, research, and writing skills
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and efficiently, and to work smartly and resourcefully in a fast-paced environment

. Exact dates of the fellowship will be worked out by the fellow and host organization and will be subject to the academic schedules in different countries.

How do payments work?

Google will provide a stipend of $7,500 USD for each Fellow for the summer.

  • Accepted students in good standing with their host organization will receive a $3,500 USD stipend payable shortly after they begin the Fellowship.
  • Students who receive passing mid-term evaluations by their host organization will receive a $2,000 USD stipend shortly after the mid-term evaluation.
  • Students who receive passing final evaluations by their host organization and who have submitted their final program evaluations will receive a $2,000 USD stipend shortly after final evaluations.

Host Organizations for the Google Policy Fellowship in Sub-Saharan Africa

Association for Progressive Communications

Fellowship location: Johannesburg, South Africa www.apc.org

Ghana­ India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT (AITI­-KACE)

Fellowship location: Accra, Ghana


Center for Intellectual Property and Information Technology (CIPIT) Law, Strathmore University

Fellowship location: Nairobi, Kenya


Paradigm Initiative Nigeria

Fellowship location: Abuja, Nigeria


Research ICT Africa

Fellowship location: Cape Town, South Africa


Apply Now for the 2014 Google Policy Fellowship for Sub Saharan Africans, Here is a list of the Applications Form by Host Organizations:

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Google Policy Fellowship 2014

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