Home Fellowships 2014/2015 BIGSSS‐ HWK Visiting Fellowship for International Researchers, Germany

2014/2015 BIGSSS‐ HWK Visiting Fellowship for International Researchers, Germany

by lanredahunsi

Application Deadline: October 20, 2014.

The BIGSSS‐ HWK Visiting Fellowship is an international researcher mobility program offering a 6‐ month research stay at two renowned academic institutions in the social sciences: The Hanse ‐ Wissenschaftskolleg, being one of Germanys leading institutes for advanced study, is a foundation of the federal states of Bremen and Lower Saxony and the city of Delmenhorst. The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) is an inter‐university institute of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen supported by the German Excellence Initiative.

The program supports excellent research of outstanding scholars. Fellows benefit from exceptional intellectual and research conditions. They enjoy both
the stimulating environment of a multi‐disciplinary and international community of first ‐ rate scholars and a graduate school with an outstanding faculty, innovative teaching concepts as well as an international body of bright Ph.D. postdoctoral students.

The BIGSSS‐HWK Visiting Fellowship offers financial support, accommodation and partial reimbursement of travel expenses.

Application and Deadline

Application material to be submitted includes a research exposé (max. 4 pages), an abstract (max. 1500 characters), an academic CV and a publication list plus one publication.

How to Apply:


  • Late applications will not be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted until November
  • 30, 2014.The Fellowship is scheduled for the winter term 2015 (September 2015  ‐  February 2016).

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the BIGSSS‐ HWK Visiting Fellowship

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